Uttarakhand Bhatra Sangthan, Wave City


वेव सिटी अपने आप मे एक पूरा शहर हैं व इसमे कई प्रदेशों व मतावलियों के लोग आपसी मेल भाव से रहते हैं। वेव सिटी लगभग 4200 एकड़ मे फैला हुआ हैं व कागजो के हिसाब से सबसे उन्नत व प्रगतिशील शहरों मे से एक हैं। अन्य प्रदेशों के लोगो के साथ साथ उत्तराखंड के…

Lov Kush Ramlila Samiti


Lov Kush Ramlila Samiti is a cultural organization in Wave City, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, dedicated to promoting and celebrating the Hindu epic Ramayana. The Samiti organizes various cultural events throughout the year, but its most prominent event is the nine-day Ramlila Manchan held during Dussehra. The 2023 Dussehra celebrations were held with great grandeur…

Nav Nirman Samiti


Nav Nirman Samiti: Rising Against Uppal Chadha and the Wave Group in Wave City Wave City, a once-promising township on the outskirts of Ghaziabad, has become a battleground for residents facing alleged irregularities and electricity woes at the hands of the developer, Uppal Chadha, and the Wave Group. In 2023, a beacon of hope emerged…